Thursday, August 7, 2008

Last Trip to the Orphanage

Filed under: "Just Sayin' "
My beautiful bride blogged about the last trip she made with the kids to the local orphanage here in Peru. As you may recall, Heather led a Bible study for the house moms and our kids played with the kids at the orphanage during these studies. Our kids really looked forward to just one more visit before our return trip to the States, and they are going to miss this aspect of Peru big-time.

This post is really an excuse for me to express my thankfulness for my wife and kids. There are not enough words to describe how proud I am of my wife and her efforts to lead this study. And I'm immensely proud of my kids for their eagerness to minister to these children by simply playing with them, loving on them, and being a friendly presence in their lives. I have an amazing family. Just sayin'.

1 comment:

Texana said...

Indeed you do have an amazing family. No brag, just fact.

Love, Mom