Thursday, January 22, 2009

Pray for our Nation & the Right to Life for the most vulnerable

Well, today is the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, and Obama is expected to sign his executive orders to reverse Bush's executive orders that had common sense restrictions including not using tax-payer's money to fund abortions.

Ron Jones, a pastor of a large evangelical church in D.C., wrote an open letter to Obama saying,
Mr. President-Elect, you talked a great deal in your campaign about “the little guy,” who is often mistreated in our society. Surely you understand that the smallest and most vulnerable Americans in 2009 are those in the womb, whose lives are unprotected by the law, and thus dependent upon the decisions of others. Surely America is better than this.

Fundamentally, does the unborn child have value independent of his mother? Clearly, the answer from science is yes. From the moment of conception, the life forming within the womb has all the same DNA as a fully-matured adult person. And the answer from biblical revelation is equally compelling. John the baptizer leapt in his mother’s womb when she met her pregnant cousin Mary, the mother of Jesus. Even so our hearts respond to the sanctity of unborn life.

I pray that you will reconsider your views on this moral issue. I raise my voice on behalf of the voiceless, pleading with you to take the lead in building an America where all of our children, whatever their race or family income, are welcomed into the world, protected by the law and have a seat at the table with the rest of the American family.

These precious unborn children have been deprived of life without due process of law. More than 3,300 abortions per day, or 138 per hour, happen in clear violation of the Constitution and the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence, which makes it plain that our liberty comes straight from God and that our first right is the sacred right to life.

Pray for our nation today, and pray for Christians who have given up on this battle and have accepted this as a part of 'our way of life.'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

