Monday, April 5, 2010

Vintage Chesterton

I've been reading Ralph Wood's biography / analysis of Flannery O'Connor, called, Flannery O'Connor & the Christ-Haunted South, and I came across this quote from GK Chesterton.
"If there were no God, there would be no atheists."
Pretty true if you stop to think about it.
Vintage Chesterton.

[Btw, the book on O'Connor is excellent, and I would commend it and all things O'Connor to my friends of literature and for anyone who has come into contact with Christianity in the south in the West.]


Dave said...

BTW, do you realize that your blog pops up a Twitter login screen when loaded?

John said...

@ Dave, yeah, I just noticed that & I'm not sure why. I'll remove the twitter updates from the sidebar to see if that fixes the problem.