Friday, September 5, 2008

No internet means no new posts....

My faithful readers (yes, all 5 of you)...

We probably won't have internet at our house for another week or so due to the high number of requests for internet with all the Aggies moving to town. Consequently, I probably won't have any new posts for another week or so.

Sorry. I feel your pain.


rich said...

There's six of us John, not 5.

Anonymous said...

Dang! :^(

Kathryn said...

Make that 7! :)I read your blog all the time but I forget to post on mine, hmmm...imagine that!

Shawn Doud said...

Several times a day I hit refresh on your site to see if your prayers have been answered and we get new goodness from Mr. J Ferguson.

Oh well.

GraceFinder said...

Hi John,
A sixth reader thanks to Shawn D from LensCleanse. Looking forward to having you here.
Bryan Clarke (

Anonymous said...

Mercy! It has been like five years since you have posted. You know you can use our internet now that we are all neighbors!!